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treatment of insomnia

treatment if insomnia
  •  Every day, go to bed and wake up around the same time.

  • Relax for at minimum one hour before going to bed, for example, by relaxing in a bath or reading a book. 
  • treatment of insomina

  • Make your bedroom black and peaceful - if essential, use fabrics, window shades, a face mask, or ear plugs.

  • Regular exercise during the day

  • Test the comfort of your mattress, bedding, and covers.

  • Do not smoke or heavy drinkers, tea, or coffee for at least 6 hours before going to bed.

  • Avoid eating a big meal late at night.

  • do not exercise at least four hours before going to bed

  • Do not watch television or use digital equipment, such as smartphones, correct before going to bed because the bright light will wake you up.

  • do not fall asleep during the

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